Spinal Works offers effective neck pain treatment at our Townsville chiropractic clinic. Whether you experience ongoing neck pain, intense or frequent radiating pain around the neck, or neck pain resulting from a traumatic event such as an accident, your path to pain-free living starts with Spinal Works.
Neck pain is one of the most common problems faced all over the world, with an estimated 10-20% of the global population experiencing neck problems at any one time. Neck pain also has a high rate of recurrence — up to 85% of people who have experienced neck pain in the past tend to experience it again within the next 5 years. A large portion of neck pain cases are usually linked to spinal or musculoskeletal issues that require the expertise of chiropractic treatment.
At Spinal Works, our team of chiropractors can help to identify the root cause of your neck pain and apply targeted treatment to provide long-term relief from chronic neck pain. Our neck pain treatments are also suitable for acute neck pain that is caused by a sudden impact on the group of muscles within and around the neck.
Contact Us or Book Online
Contact us for more information or book an appointment online. Your path to pain-free living starts with Spinal Works Townsville!