Spinal Works provide chiropractic care in Townsville for those with acute, chronic, and ongoing back pain. Whether it’s lower back pain, a muscle strain, poor spinal alignment, or a condition like sciatica, your path to pain-free living starts with Spinal Works.
Back pain is extremely common – it’s the number one workplace disability in Australia. According to the clinical evidence handbook, over 70% of people in developed countries suffer from back pain, of which 10% never return to work.
At Spinal Works, we treat lower, mid, and upper back pain. Our back pain chiropractic care is all about providing relief, but also treating the cause of the pain through postural and spinal adjustments. We can provide treatment for issues that are purely spinal and joint-related, as well as back pain caused by severe muscle tension.
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Contact us for more information or book an appointment online. Your path to pain-free living starts with Spinal Works Townsville!