Does the ADF Family Health Program Cover Chiropractic Care?

Are you a dependant of an Australian Defence Force (ADF) member? If so, you may be eligible for subsidised chiropractic care through the ADF Family Health Program! Spinal Works Chiropractic Townsville is proud to support ADF families by providing high-quality chiropractic care for dependants who suffer from neck pain, headaches, migraines, back pain, sciatica, and other musculoskeletal issues.

What is the ADF Family Health Program?

The ADF Family Health Program was designed to ease the financial burden of healthcare for defence families. It provides up to $800 per registered dependant each financial year to cover the cost of eligible allied health services, including chiropractic care.

The program recognises the unique challenges ADF families face when relocating and accessing healthcare services. In our Townsville clinic, we have helped many ADF dependants utilise this program for their chiropractic needs.

Who is Eligible for the ADF Family Health Program?

The program is available to the recognised dependants of:

  • Permanent ADF members
  • Reservists on Continuous Full-Time Service (CFTS)

Dependants must be Defence-recognised according to the ADF Pay and Conditions Manual (PACMAN) and listed under the Dependant/Beneficiary section in PMKeyS. However, ADF members themselves are not covered by this program.

For confirmation of eligibility, you can contact ADF Family Health directly.

What Services are Covered?

The ADF Family Health Program provides benefits for a range of allied health and specialist services, including:

  • Chiropractic
  • Physiotherapy
  • Osteopathy
  • Dental
  • Optical
  • Psychology
  • Remedial Massage
  • Audiology
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Podiatry
  • Speech Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Dietetics

It also covers General Practitioner (GP) visitsSpecialist services, and Diagnostic and Radiology services (e.g., X-rays, MRIs, pathology, and ultrasounds) when they have a Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item number.

How Much Are You Eligible For?

Each financial year (starting 1 July), dependants receive $800 per person for allied health services. This amount is combined as a family total, meaning funds can be shared among family members as needed.

For example:

  • A family with three dependants would receive $2,400 per year.
  • If one dependant uses more than $800, the remaining amount is automatically transferred from the family’s total allocation.

Important: Unused funds do not roll over to the next financial year, so be sure to utilise your benefits before 30 June each year!

Does the ADF Family Health Program Replace Private Health Insurance?

No, the program is not designed to replace private health insurance. Instead, it provides additional financial support. You can use it to:

  • Subsidise private health insurance (ADF Family Health can be used in conjunction with private health insurance.
  • Cover chiropractic care if you don’t have private insurance

At Spinal Works Chiropractic Townsville, we have a HICAPS machine, allowing us to process claims on the spot—making it easy and hassle-free.

Pro Tip: Always choose a chiropractor with a HICAPS machine (like us!) to avoid extra paperwork and out-of-pocket costs.

When is the $800 Allocation Renewed?

Your annual allocation resets on 1 July each year. If you don’t use your benefits, they do not roll over—so book your chiropractic appointments before the end of the financial year!

How Long Do You Have to Submit Claims?

You have one year from the date of service to submit your receipts. If you submit a receipt in a new financial year for a previous service, the amount is deducted from the funds available on the service date, not from your new allocation.

Why Choose Spinal Works Chiropractic Townsville?

We love caring for families and providing specialised pregnancy chiropractic care. Our chiropractors have advanced training and additional qualifications in both paediatric and pregnancy care, making us the ideal choice for ADF dependants. Our services are fully claimable under the ADF Family Health Program, and we ensure a seamless, hassle-free experience for all our patients.

Book Your Chiropractic Appointment Today!

Take full advantage of your ADF Family Health benefits before the end of the financial year! For more information, please visit

Call us today at (07) 4454 1859 or book online now to start your journey towards better spinal health.